Volunteer Role Outline

St Luke’s Over 55s Volunteer

Outline of Duties

  1. To support older people visiting St Luke’s enabling them to access and participate in the over 55s services, activities and facilities.
  2. To be involved in all activities taking place in the Club Room, Lounge, Dining Room in particular taking an interest in members and spending time talking with them and so on.
  3. To encourage and assist members to take part in table games, quizzes, craft and other group activities.
  4.  Every morning check/refill coffee, sugar, tea and milk, regularly serve hot/cold drinks to members on the 1st Floor, who are unable to do so themselves and if possible encourage others to help themselves, if they can. Empty and fill the dishwasher as necessary and help keep the kitchen area clean and tidy.
  5. To help disabled and frail members lunch club users by carrying trays, liaising with catering staff, etc.
  6. To help keep the Club Room and kitchen tidy, dishwasher loading/unloading and leave the rooms set out and prepared for the next day’s sessions.
  7. To support the Community Organiser/ Driver to organise parties and events including preparing and decorating rooms, preparing and serving food and refreshments, promoting attendance and supporting entertainment, etc.
  8. To come to staff members with any areas of concerns and to act in accordance with St Luke’s Volunteer Handbook and the organisation’s Code of Conduct.

Hours required:  Once or twice a week.  Any day or days Monday to Friday 10.00am to 3.00pm.  All year round or school term time. 

Supervision for this role is from the Volunteer Coordinator.